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Webinar Replay: Tailings Management with Goldsim and Muk3D (May 2024)


Updated: Jun 4, 2024

Leveraging the 3D TSF modeling capabilities of Muk3D alongside Goldsim's monte-carlo simulation features provides a more comprehensive approach to TSF planning and risk assessment. In this webinar hosted by the Goldsim Technology Group 28-30 May 2024, I show how monte-carlo simulation in tailings design and operation planning can enhance resilience through adaptive management and being capable of anticipating and mitigating risks dynamically.

Thank you to everyone who attended the GoldSim webinar on tailings management with Muk3D and GoldSim (28-30 May 2024). Check out the replay if you missed it.

As promised, also find below:

Tutorial Model

The Muk3D project file containing the model developed during the tutorial can be downloaded here 👇.


In order to run it, you'll need the following software installed:

System Modelled

The model runs monte-carlo simulation of a quarterly tailings deposition plan. Every quarter, it uses Goldsim to sample the quarterly pond and deposited volumes. It then uses Muk3D to assess if the freeboard is sufficient. If not, it raises the dam first using an upstream construction template. Otherwise, it goes ahead and run the quarterly deposition.

Conceptual Model

How to run the model

To run the model:

  1. Unzip the downloaded file and open the Muk3d.project file in Muk3D

  2. Open the Goldsim model (stochastic deposition.gsm)

  3. Make sure that the folder 3 - Runs is set as the working directory

  4. Start the Goldsim server Simulation >> Start Goldsim Server

  5. Run the Goldsim model

Muk3D Project File Tree

An improved version of the script ("stochastic_deposition Tutorial") is included under the Script Backup folder.

To use it, make sure to copy the selected Script Backup folder's file as the file in the 2 - Model folder.

The improved script implements:

  • improved start-up command conditions to decrease the runtime for the deposition goal seeking

  • a debugging method used when the model is not able to converge (use for complex topography, deposition settings). In that case the method implement and vary initial command conditions to find a solution to the convergence issue.

User Application Cases Stories

The integration of Muk3D with Goldsim presents a range of potential applications that can significantly enhance operational planning and management as shown in the accompanying PDF document.


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